
The purpose of this site is to present history in a graphical time-line format in order to demonstrate the timing and sequence of the rise and fall of the major universal empires, the timing of the current economic crisis, the development of what we know today as Christianity, and why we have a religious conflict between the thee major monotheistic religions today which comprises over two thirds of earth’s population — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

I believe Robert Folsom was correct when he wrote the following in the Elliott wave newsletter:

“A good chart boils history down to its essence and presents it on a graph.”

 This site is my attempt to share my personal work and experiences over the last 30 years which helped me to understand the bible more clearly and its application to history.

Over the past 20 years I have developed illustrations and charts, collected articles, books, and technical facts which reveal how and why the world has come to the current crisis. It is with the use of charts and illustrations that I am able to share a vast amount of information with others who are likewise interested in learning who we are, where we come from, and what life may hold for us in the future.

This is a broad range of topics, so I use charts and illustrations to summarize seemly unrelated events which cover thousands of years. It is very difficult for the average person to dedicate the time necessary to fully understand the major flow of, let alone to dig through, the historical details that would normally be contained in many volumes of verbose text. Even if you had the time to immerse yourself in study, books are generally written with a bias according to the authors belief system. I keep the charts as simple as possible without leaving out the detail necessary to understand the big picture of the period of time covered.

By studying the charts on this site you can superimpose your own understanding of history on the time-lines and add events and dates that you are personally aware of in order to see the timing and significance of concurrent events as they have unfolded through history. It is enlightening to see the timing and relationship of historical events when placed on a time line.

I hope you find this site interesting and meaningful to you in your personal pursuit of knowledge and peace of mind. I welcome any thoughts, comments or input you might have.

Sincerely yours,
George Petrjcik

  • If you need any help in navigating through the charts or need additional information regarding any of the information shared, please do not hesitate to email me at:  george.petrjcik@gmail.com

edited by: Sam Alford  🙂